Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In the beginning...

A big congratulations to everyone who found this made it! After taking me a few hours to set this up, despite the "easy to create" blog feature, I hope that everyone gets some satisfaction out of it and finds it an easy way to keep up with our adventures abroad! A word of warning to our readers, I tend to use a lot of !'s and an even greater number of elipses...mostly because a.) I never learned proper grammar in school and b.) I think it demonstrates how spur of the moment these blogs will be, without attention paid to proper punctuation. I realize it may be a bit tough on the eyes...oh well...please forgive me.
So...three days until departure. Carlyn assures me that all her gear will fit inside her small backpack! I'm psyched/scared of how much stuff that actually is. Does anyone think she is a minimalist?! On the plus side, that means we have more room for souvenirs for all of you (please don't hold me to that as we all know the dollar stretches about as much as a fat kid when it comes to European purchases).
Either way, I'm very excited! I only offer one word of advice to everyone, if you don't have the time to read both of our posts, I highly suggest you skip mine and go straight to Carlyn's. It will undoubtedly be filled with much more insight, fun-facts and detailed depictions of our time abroad. My blog will surely focus on the more mundane topics such as "What beer did Matt enjoy most in Munich?", "Why didn't Carlyn let me knock on the Pope's door?" and "Where can one find a Chicago style pizzeria in the heart of Italy?". All good questions which deserve a proper, well-thought-out blog posting.
Until tomorrow...
Matt (a.k.a. Goober)


Dustin said...

Yeah for the blog... great name! I am excited to read all about your "European Vacation". I am sure it will be totally entertaining even without Chevy Chase. Have fun!

Britt said...

I hope you guys have a great time. For Matt's sake, I hope that Carlyn is more of a minimalist than me...the thought of trying to put all my stuff in one backpack makes me all anxious inside. But she does have a leg up on me, down booties. My shoes are waaaaaaaay bigger than those. Anyway, good luck....with Air India that is :)

Tomp-Kinn said...

Hey, you two "well seasoned travelers." That was the first time I ever made 6 entrances/exits from O'Hare in one 24-hour period - with the same travelers. Pretty wild. Mom and I are glad you arived safely. Take lots of pictures for us. Dave and I had a nice 82 mile ride this morning. Dave says "hello." Limo driver.

Tomp-Kinn said...

If you haven't realized already the above post is from dad (due to the anxiety it clearly causes to create a google account! O no the possibility of a "welcome to google" email is unthinkable!). But the following message is from me:

I hope you guys have a great time! Those little goof-ups just make the trip that much more unforgettable. I'm already itching to find my way to Europe in the next few years so take notes and lots of pictures. I love you both!!